Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Drama of the Verbally Gifted Child

Me: Hey Thing One, do you want cherries or bananas with your breakfast?

Thing One: No.

Me: You don't want any breakfast?

Thing One: I want breakfast.

Me: Okay climb into your big boy chair and I will make your breakfast.

Thing One: I wanna don't have breakfast.

Me: Okay no breakfast, then.

Thing One: I want breakfast.

Me: Okay, climb into your chair, then.

Thing One: No.

Me: Okay, then.

Thing One: Mama go get sister?

Me: Sister is sleeping.

Thing One: I gotta go to work.

Me: Okay, have a good day at work. Love ya.

Thing One: Where my keys?

Me: I think they're in your firetruck. What are you doing with the funnel?

Thing One: I just gotta pump a little breastmilk.

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